14 January 2008

transitioning off missionary staff

Friends and Supporters,

We hope your Christmas was a delight! We were very glad to spend it with family and friends in Wichita.

We are writing to inform you about our very recent decision to leave World Impact staff. After months of prayerful consideration and assessment, we sense the Lord leading us away from direct ministry at the camp. We will no longer be missionaries with World Impact. The staff at Deer Creek has been very gracious. They agree that Deer Creek is not a long-term place for us. Over the past months, we have been reevaluating the strengths and gifts that God has given us, the vision of the camp, and obtaining godly counsel from family and friends. There is not a doubt in our minds that we were exactly where we were supposed to be for this past year. We believe God wanted us to be with World Impact to teach us about ourselves, our strengths, His sovereignty, life as missionaries, marriage, submission and so much more. This past year has truly been a blessing to our marriage.

God has used you to bless and encourage us while in this ministry, and no doubt He will continue to. We have greatly appreciated your prayers and support for us this past year. Your prayerful intercession for us during this time of transition would be greatly appreciated.

After a short time in Wichita, we plan to return to Deer Creek camp to discern God’s next step for us. We would appreciate your continued financial support until we are no longer official staff of World Impact. A follow up letter will be sent to inform you of our resignation date, which we anticipate will occur within the next few months. We also hope to include our future plans and our new address.
Thank you for your faithfulness in 2007. We would be more than happy if you decide to continue your support of missions with World Impact.

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